von Aztabuehne FCI

About us...
â– â– About Kennel "von Aztabuehne FCI" Ownerâ– â–
Location : in Nord Rhein Westfallen in Germany
Club member : Deutscher Teckelklub 1888 e.V. Group Meerbusch / Switzerland Dachshund Club / Japan Kennel Club
** We do not have puppies very frequently, one time in 1-1.5 years.**
von Aztabuehne JP : Registered and approved by JKC/FCI Since July 24 2015 - 31 May 2017
von Aztabuehne FCI : moved out from Japan and registered and approved by DTK/VDH/FCI Since June 1 2017 - Located in NRW
von Aztaplateau JP : Registered and approved by JKC/FCI - Owned by my family in Nagoya, Japan
â– â– About Breedingâ– â–
We are breeding dogs in accordance with the FCI standard Nr. 148.
The standard is clearly indicated as following link.
â– â– About Genetic testâ– â–
All of our dogs are investigated through Labos to do as following genetic tests.
<Inheritance disease genetic test>
The genetic tests that I make are as follows.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (crd4/cord1 - RPGRIP1)
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA / Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A / MPS IIIA (SGSH Exon 6, Dachshund Variant)
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 1 (PPT1 Exon 8, Dachshund Variant 1)
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 2 (TPP1 Exon 4, Dachshund Variant 1)
Narcolepsy (HCRTR2 Exon 1, Dachshund Variant)
Osteogenesis imperfecta (SERPINH1, Dachshund Variant)
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2D (SGCA Exon 3, Miniature Dachshund Variant)
Chondrodystrophy (FGF4 retrogene insertion on chromosome 18) - CDPA
Intervertebral Disc Disease-Type I (FGF4 retrogene insertion on chromosome 12) - IVDD
Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease 3[NEBL724 Candidate Variant] (MVDD-NEBL724)
<Coat color and hair length genetic test>
A Locus (ASIP)
B Locus (TYRP1)
Cocoa (HPS3)
D Locus (MLPH)
E Locus (MC1R)
Intensity Loci
K Locus (CBD103)
M Locus (PMEL)
Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 (SLC45A2)
Coat Length (FGF5)
Should you have any interest or questions, please feel free to contact through WhatsApp/Line/emails/Telegrams or phone call.